860 Western Ave., in Hermann Sons Hall.
• Beginning from 7-8pm – open to all. Pay at the door is OK.
• Intermediate from 6-7pm (intermediate level is by invite or email to inquire. Currently open to new leaders, only, or followers who join with a leader. There is a wait list for solo followers).
• Beginning from 7-8pm – open to all. Pay at the door is OK.
• Intermediate from 6-7pm (intermediate level is by invite or email to inquire. Currently open to new leaders, only, or followers who join with a leader. There is a wait list for solo followers).
Register for classes below: $160 for 8 weeks of swing dance.

Swing dancing, at its core, is an exuberant celebration of rhythm and spontaneity, a dance form that embodies the very heartbeat of American jazz. It sways with a defiant grace, reveling in the freedom and joy of movement. Among its many styles, Lindy Hop stands as its vibrant, rebellious offspring, born from the gritty resilience of Harlem’s dance halls in the 1920s. Lindy Hop is not merely a dance; it is a statement of identity and exuberance, a pulsating rhythm that defies the constraints of the ordinary and the expected. It channels the spirit of an era marked by both struggle and triumph, embracing a wild, carefree elegance that transcends mere steps to become a vivid expression of life itself. In this dance, one finds not just the echoes of jazz but a living testament to the artistry and resilience that defines the very essence of human experience.